Ecommerce SEO, Spam Filters, Deliverability, Chicken or the Egg?

AUG 2023

Is summer over yet? Did it ever start? It’s been busy over here at Fluency Firm. The team is growing with more superstars and we have added a new practice for analytics & data warehousing. Drop us a line if you want to chat customer lapse point and LTV analysis.

We rounded up a few articles we are reading, a case study on deliverability, tips for Ecommerce SEO, Gmail filters, and more. Enjoy.

Strategy Ideas, Tips, & Tricks

In D2C, if you can rank for high level product keywords or terms then everything becomes easier. You can spend more on paid traffic, build a more robust user journey in your automations, and continue to drive down costs of gaining new customers.

Ranking for high level terms are very competitive, but one trick many larger companies focus on is building niche collection pages of similar products that will drive up Google Rankings for specific terms.

For example, let’s say you’re selling “Dad Hats” on your site. There are a lot of sites that have Dad Hats listed and some of your top competitors are Amazon, Dad Hats Supply, etc. Ranking for Dad Hats is going to be hard, but if we have a collection of Dad hats that have a specific characteristic like “Black Dad Hats”, then ranking for that keyword could be easier by building a specific collection around those products. 

See this collection as an example: 

Or, if you have “Vintage Dad Hats”, here’s another example: 

There are a bunch of different ways to skin this cat, so get creative with your collection pages and start ranking for specific product keywords.

Two Things We’re Reading

▶  Every day, Gmail’s filtering capabilities and advanced security protections help billions of people stay safe and get things done more efficiently. 

Learn how Gmail’s spam filter works.

▶  Attentive launches text-to-buy solution with Shopify’s Shop Pay.

Read about the update.

Industry News

▶ Twitter partners with Shopify to bring merchants' products to Twitter shopping. As part of its ongoing efforts to expand into e-commerce, Twitter announced a new partnership with Shopify. Read on.


▶ Have your brand's emails been landing in spam as of late? Having trouble getting out? Consider setting up a dedicated send domain. Read on.


Mini Case Study

Is it time to switch to a Dedicated Sending Domain?

It’s always disappointing to look at benchmark analytics and see open or click rates at such a low percentile. We onboarded a new client whose emails found themselves in the spam folder more often than not. Here's how we got them out while driving email click rate up over 122%.

Turns out they were on a Shared Sending Domain, which is easy to manage, but also easier to end up in the spam folder. We decided to switch our client over to a Dedicated Sending Domain, which allows the sender to email on behalf of their own domain.

Since you need to warm up your emails once you switch, which takes about 2-3 weeks, this process can be a bit daunting. But the results are there:

Month over month, the overall open rate increased by 146.73% and the click rate increased by 122%.

Although there’s always room for improvement, we are now able to actually measure what is working or not and the Fluency Team recommends the switch. Need help? Contact us at

Meet Alec

Alec Pobiega is spearheading email strategy for our clients in the health & wellness industry. He comes with a wealth of retention experience and is never short of positivity and great laughs.

I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know.


I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know. 😂